Source code for scripts.controller_client

#!/usr/bin/env python
.. module:: controller_client
    :platform: Unix
    :synopsis: the controller_client python script in topological_map_robot_control package
.. moduleauthor:: Mohammad Reza Haji Hosseini <>

Brief explanation of this node:
    Use controller_client function to communicate with SimpleActionServer and cancels goal in case of need,
    additionaly create an action client to send goal to ControlAction. Use controller_client_callback to 
    substitute new data.

Subscribe to:
    /path to get result from controller_client_callback function

import rospy
import time
# Import the ActionServer implementation used.
# This is required to pass the `Action_controller` type for instantiating the `SimpleActionClient`.
from actionlib import SimpleActionClient
# Import the messages used by services and publishers.
from tmrc.msg import Point, PlanGoal
import sys
# Import constant name defined to structure the architecture.
from utilities import architecture_name_mapper as anm
import tmrc  

# A tag for identifying logs producer.

[docs]def controller_client_callback(data): """ Function to substitute control result in controller client. Arg: data(float): coordinates of target room """ control_result = controller_client(data) print(control_result)
[docs]def controller_client(goal): """ This function it uses the SimpleActionClient to connect to server in order to send, cancel and waiting for server and create an action client called "planner_client" with action definition file "tmrc.msg.ControlAction" Arg: goal(float) """ # Create an action client called "planner_client" with action definition file "tmrc.msg.ControlAction" client = SimpleActionClient(anm.ACTION_CONTROLLER,tmrc.msg.ControlAction) # Waits until the action server has started up and started listening for goals. client.wait_for_server() print("waiting for controller server") # Sends the goal to the action server. client.send_goal(goal) print("waiting for robot to reach the target wihthin 30 seconds") finished_before_timeout = client.wait_for_result(timeout=rospy.Duration(30)) # detects if the target is reached before timeout if finished_before_timeout: print("Target Reached") time.sleep(3) return client.get_result() else: print("Action did not finish before time out!") time.sleep(3) client.cancel_all_goals()
if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialise this node. rospy.init_node(anm.NODE_CONTROLLER_CLIENT, log_level=rospy.INFO) #Subscribe to: /path to get result from controller_client_callback function. rospy.Subscriber('/path', tmrc.msg.PlanResult, controller_client_callback) rospy.spin()